Programmer Power Tools
Programmer Power Tools.iso
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File List
35 lines
Filename Length Date Description
3DBB.ARC 57716 881130 3D black board - BASIC CAD with source
COLOR.ARC 4936 880809 Set screen color in text mode
DUMP_GRA.ZIP 1337 880721 Graphic dump in C
FRAME.ARC 1004 880809 Draw a frame on the screen
FRAS1611.ZIP 722922 910726 C & ASM src for FRACTINT v16.11 fractal gen.
GRAPH.ZIP 10850 870712 Displays line graphs on Z-100
GRAPHICS.ZIP 6275 871205 Various graphics routines
HERCBIOS.ZIP 41750 871116 Hercules BIOS for CGA simulation
HPGLVU10.ZIP 89457 910429 Viewer for HPGL files, with Turbo Pascal 5 src
HSA.ZIP 57560 880107 Graphics control library
HSA_TC.ARC 59392 871216 Graphics toolbox for Turbo C
LIFE.ZIP 2884 880808 graphics ver. of the board game life
MANDEL.ZIP 37181 890624 A Utility to Generate Mandel's Fractal Geometry.
MFRACT.ZIP 1502 880809 Fractuals in C (needs GRAPHICS.H)
PCX_C.ZIP 26890 910418 C source to handle PCX format graphics files
RCDSPLAY.ZIP 166208 910815 Display/analyze/edit X-Y graphical data. w/src
SHOWGL10.ZIP 127243 910911 View HPGL/2 files on CGA/EGA/VGA w/MSC src
SIMGRAFC.ZIP 32381 850615 simple graphics in C
TCWIND10.ARC 74752 870723 Evan's window routines
TCXL.ARC 141312 880615 Window library from CIS
TTY.ARC 12195 871206 General purpose terminal program
TURBODGI.ARC 17408 870222 Four frame .DGI picture
VSYNC.ZIP 305 880809 Output to CRT during verticle blanking
WIND_C86.ARC 19638 880722 Window functions for CI86
WINDKW.ZIP 56341 851120 window functions for Aztec C -- nice!
WINDOW.ARC 18432 870316 A simple window management program
WINDOW4C.ARC 48257 880728 Windowing functions
WINDOWPR.ZIP 248469 890628 The Window Pro Version 1.2 Screen Control Lib
WINDSMET.ARC 19898 850805 Window functions for DesMet (portable)
WINS1651.ZIP 311041 910815 WINFRACT v16.51 C and ASM source
WNDWBOSS.ZIP 155442 880802 Neat windowing in C with demo